
Field of Bone (fieldofbone)

Succor point : X (1617) Y (-1684) Z (-50)


an iksar bandit8 - 10 IksarNormal
an Iksar brigand11 - 13 IksarNormal
an Iksar footpad5 - 7 IksarNormal
an Iksar manslayer17 - 19 IksarNormal
an Iksar marauder14 - 16 IksarNormal
a bonebinder12 - 14 SpiderNormal
a burynai burrower10 - 12 BurynaiNormal
a burynai cutter20 - 22 BurynaiNormal
a Burynai excavator13 - 15 BurynaiNormal
a burynai sapper16 - 18 BurynaiNormal
a giant scorpion8 - 10 ScorpionNormal
a heartsting scorpion12 - 14 ScorpionNormal
a large scorpion4 - 6 ScorpionNormal
a militia skeleton4 - 6 Undead IksarNormal
a rogue shaman8 - 10 IksarNormal
a scaled prowler8 - 10 WolfNormal
a scaled wolf5 - 7 WolfNormal
a scaled wolf cub2 - 4 WolfNormal
a scaled wolf hunter9 - 11 WolfNormal
a scaled wolf pup1 - 1 WolfNormal
a scaled wolf stalker13 - 15 WolfNormal
a scaled wolf tracker17 - 19 WolfNormal
a scorpion2 - 2 ScorpionNormal
bonebinder hatchling2 - 4 SpiderNormal
bonecrawler5 - 7 SpiderNormal
bonecrawler hatchling2 - 4 SpiderNormal
burynaibane spider2 - 4 SpiderNormal
carrion beetle hatchling1 - 3 BeetleNormal
carrion queen12 - 14 BeetleNormal
carrion shredder5 - 7 BeetleNormal
Crusader Bodli50 - 50 IksarNormal
Crusader Quarg50 - 50 IksarNormal
decaying skeleton1 - 1 Undead IksarNormal
emerald fencer12 - 14 BeetleNormal
emerald scarab1 - 3 BeetleNormal
Gharg Oberbord31 - 31 TrollNormal
greater scalebone13 - 15 Undead IksarNormal
greater skeleton11 - 13 Undead IksarNormal
Iksar Dakoit16 - 18 IksarNormal
Jairnel Marfury30 - 30 GhostNormal
Kerosh Blackhand33 - 33 IksarNormal
Klok Acet30 - 30 IksarNormal
Klok Canip30 - 30 IksarNormal
Klok Naman30 - 30 IksarNormal
Klok Tugin30 - 30 IksarNormal
large heartsting scorpion16 - 18 ScorpionNormal
lesser charbone skeleton17 - 19 Undead IksarNormal
lesser icebone skeleton16 - 18 Undead IksarNormal
Oracle Qulin40 - 40 IksarNormal
Oracle Vauris61 - 61 IksarNormal
Pendle Dashinger30 - 30 Half ElfNormal
scalebone skeleton7 - 9 Undead IksarNormal
Scourgetail Scorpion14 - 15 ScorpionNormal
servant of Sythrax25 - 29 Undead IksarNormal
skeletal jester28 - 30 SkeletonNormal
skeleton4 - 6 Undead IksarNormal
Sythrax guardian28 - 30 Undead IksarNormal
targishin31 - 35 Undead IksarNormal
the tangrin54 - 54 GorillaNormal
Trooper Chikzik50 - 50 IksarNormal
Trooper Grouko50 - 50 IksarNormal
Trooper Gummin50 - 50 IksarNormal
Trooper Harpin50 - 50 IksarNormal
Trooper Mozo50 - 50 IksarNormal
Trooper Taer50 - 50 IksarNormal
Warlord Zyzz51 - 51 IksarNormal

  • Field of Bone Bestiary List
  • Field of Bone Named Mobs List
  • Field of Bone Equipment List
  • Field of Bone Spawn Groups
  • Field of Bone Forageable items
  • Field of Bone Tasks
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103