
The Hole (hole)

Succor point : X (-1050) Y (640) Z (-80)

Popup map


High Scale Kirn 53 - 53 IksarNamed
Ikurenm the Sly51 - 51 ImpNamed
Tzitzi the Crazed52 - 52 ImpNamed
an elemental capturer43 - 47 ElementalNormal
an elemental channeler38 - 40 ElementalNormal
an elemental crusader41 - 44 ElementalNormal
an elemental deceiver39 - 41 ElementalNormal
an elemental harvester43 - 47 ElementalNormal
an elemental visier38 - 41 ElementalNormal
an elemental warrior38 - 42 ElementalNormal
an elemental wizard43 - 47 ElementalNormal
a fallen erudite43 - 47 SkeletonNormal
a flighty fiend41 - 45 ImpNormal
a mimic43 - 47 MimicNormal
a ratman guard55 - 55 RatmanNormal
a ratman warrior48 - 50 RatmanNormal
a revenant52 - 54 GhostNormal
a rock golem48 - 54 GolemNormal
a wanderer51 - 54 GhostNormal
bejeweled elemental49 - 49 ElementalNormal
Caradon55 - 55 HumanNormal
Commander Yarik51 - 51 GhostNormal
Dartain the Lost55 - 55 EruditeNormal
Ghost of Glohnor50 - 50 GhostNormal
Gibartik49 - 49 ElementalNormal
Initiate Sirlis51 - 51 GhostNormal
Irslak the Wretched51 - 51 GhostNormal
Jaeil the Wretched55 - 55 EruditeNormal
Keeper of the Tombs55 - 55 GhostNormal
Kejar the Mighty41 - 44 ImpNormal
Master Yael56 - 56 ElementalNormal
muck covered elemental49 - 49 ElementalNormal
Niltoth the Unholy51 - 51 GhostNormal
Nortlav the Scalekeeper51 - 51 EruditeNormal
Polzin Mrid55 - 55 GhostNormal
Retseth Tretse53 - 53 GolemNormal
Rocksoul49 - 49 ElementalNormal
Schnozz the Flighty41 - 44 ImpNormal
Slizik the Mighty54 - 54 RatmanNormal
Stonegrinder Minion49 - 49 ElementalNormal
Stonesoul the Unmoving49 - 49 ElementalNormal
the Ghost of Kindle50 - 50 GhostNormal
Ulrik the Devout51 - 51 GhostNormal
Urwenae the Cold55 - 55 GhostNormal

  • The Hole Bestiary List
  • The Hole Named Mobs List
  • The Hole Equipment List
  • The Hole Map
  • The Hole Spawn Groups
  • The Hole Forageable items
  • The Hole Tasks
  • AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
    Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103