
Populated Zones By Level

The suggested levels are approximate based upon the levels of the majority of creatures found in the zone.
Except for the newbie zones, this assumes that you will hunt with a group.
Most zones also have higher and lower level roaming npcs, and are selectively hunted at different levels.

Zones are sorted following average npc\'s levels.
If a newbie zone contains high level friendly guards, they count in the average level and false the sort.

Follow the links to get more complete descriptions for the individual zones.

Toxxulia Forest tox72317
Innothule Swamp innothule10101013
Northern Desert of Ro nro1191514
Misty Thicket misty12282466
Southern Desert of Ro sro121915
Crushbone crushbone1399
Blackburrow blackburrow13913
Nektulos Forest nektulos1420402386
Befallen befallen1416129
Erud's Crossing erudsxing141268
The Warrens warrens1481918108
Lavastorm Mountains lavastorm1513
Everfrost Peaks everfrost1617667
Qeynos Hills qeytoqrg162412811107
Kurn's Tower kurn17157
Oasis of Marr oasis1712177
Steamfont Mountains steamfont171733107128
Gorge of King Xorbb beholder1866
Runnyeye runnyeye1814111713
The Paludal Caverns paludal18817
Lesser Faydark lfaydark197216148126
Dagnor's Cauldron cauldron19106
The Feerrott feerrott1912147109
Guk guktop19971517
Western Plains of Karana qey2hh119302112813139
Southern Plains of Karana southkarana196178109136
Kerra Isle kerraridge20163414
Shadeweaver's Thicket shadeweaver223222269197
Lake Rathetear lakerathe22151610812
Najena najena228897
Ocean of Tears oot2261061716
Field of Bone (Alt) towerbone23811127810
Swamp of No Hope swampofnohope239101618351810
Field of Bone fieldofbone23811127910
East Commonlands ecommons23927151817
Rathe Mountains rathemtn2423281299131011
The Estate of Unrest unrest2471110
Stonebrunt Mountains stonebrunt2572025118
Northern Plains of Karana northkarana25101112157
Netherbian Lair netherbian259
West Commonlands commons2613141110
Hollowshade Moor hollowshade26821281516
Eastern Plains of Karana eastkarana2622258672413
Lair of the Splitpaw paw26761011118
Lake of Ill Omen lakeofillomen2667141312713
Kithicor Forest kithicor271011227928236
Marus Seru mseru27129
Qeynos Aqueduct System qcat2819191418
Permafrost Caverns permafrost28771166
Warsliks Woods warslikswood2991099814
Highpass Hold highpass2910201217
The Crypt of Dalnir dalnir3035
Solusek's Eye soldunga30113312
Butcherblock Mountains butcher31929772218913
Castle of Mistmoore mistmoore33830398
Frontier Mountains frontiermtns331116
High Keep highkeep33292488108
North Qeynos qeynos234111916712722
Iceclad Ocean iceclad3415206
Tower of Frozen Shadow frozenshadow34272916
Mines of Droga droga359246
Mines of Nurga nurga3518
Temple of Solusek Ro soltemple3524
Crystal Caverns crystal36102317
Kaesora kaesora36196
Dreadlands (Instanced) dreadlands_instanced371312
The Dreadlands dreadlands371312
The Emerald Jungle emeraldjungle381313
Greater Faydark gfaydark38151591964817
South Qeynos qeynos3822231016784033
Twilight twilight3813362511045
Eastern Wastes eastwastes389182614
Grimling Forest grimling39132715109
Jaggedpine Forest jaggedpine39181215218
The City of Thurgadin thurgadina405659376
The City of Mist citymist407128
Rivervale rivervale407662124919
Ruins of Old Guk gukbottom41182188
Erudin erudnext41613614111617
Timorous Deep timorous41913
The Dawnshroud Peaks dawnshroud411177149
Scarlet Desert scarlet4115170546
The Tenebrous Mountains tenebrous41106934
Mons Letalis letalis416518
The Overthere overthere4189102319
Echo Caverns echo427112820121189
Firiona Vie firiona4210431824252410
Ak'Anon akanon42681925207931
Cobaltscar cobaltscar4366
The Burning Wood burningwood43611126
Erudin Palace erudnint438623101414
The Great Divide greatdivide4310913796
East Freeport freporte439988149421023
The City of Shar Vahl sharvahl4339152032812130
Paineel paineel441181264512
Northern Felwithe felwithea441540
Southern Felwithe felwitheb44822
Kedge Keep (Instanced) kedge_tryout44127
Neriak - Foreign Quarter neriaka44936
Kedge Keep kedge441469
West Freeport freportw4467792272725
The Wakening Land wakening44131812118
The Grey thegrey458
South Kaladim kaladima452888
Trakanon's Teeth trakanon4613122411
Nagafen's Lair soldungb467106
The Bazaar bazaar4616812
Katta Castellum katta4662711151067629
Grobb grobb4613104114
Grieg's End griegsend4686
Cabilis East cabeast47533020
Oggok oggok47144015
Skyshrine skyshrine489214929251318169
North Freeport freportn48101974022
Skyfire Mountains skyfire48812
Kael Drakkel kael4867527647167271323
Neriak - 3rd Gate neriakc4964219
North Kaladim kaladimb49181414
Karnor's Castle karnor4914198
Neriak - Commons neriakb506119
Cabilis West cabwest5015247
Lost Temple of CazicThule cazicthule5018111610336815
Plane of Justice pojustice5142812489
Chardok chardok51198262982
Chardok (Instanced) chardok_instanced51198262982
Shadow Haven shadowhaven518192469137226
Halas halas52693914
Howling Stones (Instanced) charasis_instanced5271722
The Howling Stones charasis5271722
The Hole (Instanced) hole_instanced521212168
The Hole hole521212178
Siren's Grotto sirens52109
Plane of Fear (Instanced) fear_instanced53207
Acrylia Caverns acrylia53121668
Plane of Tranquility potranquility5349106
Plane of Fear fearplane532097
Velketor's Labyrinth velketor537221621
Ruins of Sebilis sebilis537223413
The Deep thedeep54720
Icewell Keep thurgadinb5418129
House of Mischief mischiefhouse5469113135
Plane of Mischief mischiefplane5469113135
The Fungus Grove fungusgrove546792417
Akheva Ruins akheva5522149
The Maiden's Eye maiden559138
Nexus nexus5517
Plane of Innovation poinnovation5513
Sanctus Seru sseru55293711571418825
Plane of Hate (Instanced) hate_instanced56101818
Plane of Hate hateplane56101820
Dragon Necropolis necropolis57137137
Plane of Disease podisease5711312310
Ssraeshza Temple ssratemple579393125
The Umbral Plains umbral581618
Surefall Glade qrg58910
Western Wastes westwastes589341797
Plane of Sky (Instanced) air_instanced5922266
Sunset Home cshome59106
Sunset Home cshome259106
Plane of Sky airplane59222710
Plane of Nightmares ponightmare60151314
Drunder, the Fortress of Zek potactics6118938176
Plane of Growth growthplane611318146
Plane of Knowledge poknowledge6413234
Plane of Storms postorms64371439
Torment, the Plane of Pain potorment65163212
Vex Thal vexthal65303927
Plane of Time potimea65214
Temple of Veeshan templeveeshan6667932
Bastion of Thunder bothunder665911
The Crypt of Decay codecay66327
Plane of Earth poeartha66257
Veeshan's Peak veeshan67106
Halls of Honor hohonora672722
Plane of Valor povalor6872854
Plane of Air poair681734
Tower of Solusek Ro solrotower69231615
Plane of Water powater70133610
Plane of Earth poearthb7013
Temple of Marr hohonorb707
Plane of Fire pofire7121361210
Sleeper's Tomb sleeper756
Domain of Frost myriah999
Kurn's Tower (Alternate) towerfrost999
The Lair of Terris Thule nightmareb999
AllaClone for EQMac - Version:
Based off Allaclone release: 2.0.1 - Rev2103